Team Plan for Housing, Education, and Stocks:

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We’re a three-person team focusing on a project consiting of real estate, Item Detecing on images, and an Education Hub.

Initial Setup:

Start with an activity that defines our goals and roles to build a strong team foundation. Regular Reviews:

Every 2-3 days, we’ll evaluate our progress and adjust our approach as needed. Detailed Goals:

Activity Development:

Brainstorm and plan tasks that align with our project goals. Include stages like ideation, planning, coding, testing, and retrospectives. Feedback Integration:

Incorporate insights from code reviews and input from our teacher or customer to refine our work. Progress Sharing:

Regularly recap our plans, showcase achievements or shifts in direction, and conduct demos. Analyze both team and individual performances to identify improvement areas. Completion Focus:

Strive to finish at least 90% of our planned tasks, maintaining a clear focus on our objectives. Visibility and Tracking:

We will use github to track the progress of our projects, and will be making issues when neccessary Role Allocation:

Each of us are assigned a different role, equally split into 3 designated parts of our project, Torin working with backend, Sergi with frontend, and Akshay with dataset Project Accessibility:

Peer Reviews:

Implement weekly cross-over reviews to foster learning and provide different perspectives on each other’s work.